Palavra da Vida Portugal

About the wildfire


On Sunday, October 15th, 2017, we had a big wildfire on our property. We want to praise the Lord for His protection using brave firemen and civil protection officers. They got the fire under control and each family returned safely to their homes.

This was a National Crisis with more than 500 fires in Portugal that weekend. Around 2pm, a fire started about 2 miles away and spread to the valley in front of our property. Suddenly, the  wind changed direction towards us, so we began an emergency evacuation at 8pm. The fire was brought back under control around 2am. The fire department kept watch on our campus for 48 hours.

We are thankful that there was no major structural damage to our buildings. We lost our playground, our low ropes and high ropes course and the climbing tower was severely damaged.

We want to thank everyone who gave us encouraging words, offered help, opened their homes, and prayed for us.

God is still in control and we are trusting Him through this. Prov. 3:5-6

Wild Fire on Property/ Fogo na Propriedade



For wisdom as we evaluate the next steps moving forward and seek to help those around us who also were affected by the fire.


In the following weeks we will need the help of specialists in several areas to rebuild what was burned, and we need hands to clean up the affected areas


You can be a part of the restoration and improvement of our property!

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